Journal articles

石井辰則・竹澤正哲 (印刷中). 心的状態の推測方略―投影とステレオタイプ化―. 社会心理学研究

Horita, Y., Takezawa, M., Inukai, K., Kita, T., & Masuda, N. (2017). Reinforcement learning accounts for moody conditional cooperation behavior: experimental results. Scientific Reports, 7, 39275.

Ezaki, T., Horita, Y., Takezawa, M., & Masuda, N. (2016). Reinforcement Learning Explains Conditional Cooperation and Its Moody Cousin. PLoS Computational Biology, 12, e1005034.

Horita, Y., Takezawa, M., Kinjo, T., Nakawake, Y., & Masuda, N. (2016). Transient nature of cooperation by pay-it-forward reciprocity. Scientific Reports, 6, 19471.

Watanabe, T., Takezawa, M., Nakawake, Y., Kunimatsu, A., Yamasue, H., Nakamura, M., Miyashita, Y., & Masuda, N. (2014). Two distinct neural mechanisms underlying indirect reciprocity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 3990-3995

Horita, Y., & Takezawa, M. (2014). Observation enhances third-party punishment only among people who were not hot-tempered. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 5, 5-8.

竹澤正哲. (2012). 進化的視点からみた社会生態学的アプローチの可能性 : 竹村・佐藤論文へのコメント (特集 幸福感と文化). 心理学評論, 55, 64-69.

Tane, K. & Takezawa, M. (2011). Perception of human face does not induce cooperation in darkness. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 2, 24-27.

Zhu, L., Keller, M., Gummerum, M., & Takezawa, M. (2010). A cross-cultural perspective on the development of sharing behavior: Integrating behavioral economics and psychology. Personality, Human Development, and Culture: International Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 141-153.

Garcia-Retamero, R., Takezawa, M., & Galesic, M. (2010). Simple mechanisms for gathering social information. New Ideas in Psychology. 28, 49-63.

Takezawa, M. & Price, M. E. (2010). Revisiting “the evolution of reciprocity in sizable groups”: Continuous reciprocity in the repeated n-person prisoner’s dilemma. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264, 188-196.

Garcia-Retamero, R., Takezawa, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2009). Does imitation benefit cue order learning? Experimental Psychology, 56, 307-320.

Gummerum, M., Takezawa, M., & Keller, M. (2009). The influence of social category and reciprocity on adults' and children's altruistic behaviour. Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 295-316.

Leman, P. J., Keller, M., Takezawa, M., & Gummerum, M. (2009). Children’s and adolescents’ decisions about sharing money with others. Social Development, 18, 711-727.

Ohtsubo, Y., Takezawa, M., & Fukuno, M. (2009). Mutual liking and meta-perception accuracy. European Journal of Social Psychology 39 707-718.

García-Retamero R, Takezawa M, Gigerenzer G. (2009). Influence of group learning in search processes. Psicothema ,21, 369-375.

García-Retamero R, Takezawa M, Gigerenzer G. (2008). Group communication and decision-making strategies, Psicothema, 20, 753-759.

Gummerum, M., Takezawa, M., Keller, M., & Mata, J. (2008). To give or not to give: Children’s and adolescent’s sharing and moral negotiations in economic decision situations. Child Development, 79, 562-576.

Barrett, H. C., Keller, M., Takezawa, M., & Wichary, S. (2007). Relationships and emotions in children’s understanding of social contract violations. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 213-234.

Efferson, C., McElreath, R., & Takezawa, M. (2007). New methods in quantitative ethnography: Economic experiments and the structure of fairness norms. Current Anthropology, 48, 912-917.

Garcia-Retamero, R., Takezawa, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2006). How to learn good cue orders: When social learning benefits simple heuristics. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (pp. 1352-1357). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Takezawa, M., Gummerum, M., & Keller. M. (2006). A stage for the rational tail of the emotional dog: Roles of moral reasoning in group decision making. Journal of Economic Psychology, 27, 117-139.

Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., & Hastie, R. (2005). Where do social norms come from? The example of communal-sharing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 331-334.

Takezawa, M. (2004). Developing a new framework of adaptive concession-making strategies: An approach to behavioral game theory from psychology. Working paper No. 41, Center for the study of cultural and ecological foundations of the mind. [download - select No. 41].

Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., & Hastie, R. (2003). The logic of social sharing: An evolutionary game analysis of adaptive norm development. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7, 2-19.

Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., Tindale, R. S., & Smith, C. (2002). Social sharing and risk reduction; Exploring a computational algorithm for the psychology of windfall gains. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 11-33.

竹澤正哲・亀田達也 (1999). 所有と分配:共同分配規範の社会的発生基盤に関する進化ゲーム分析. 認知科学, 6, 191-205.

竹澤正哲 (1999). 社会的ジレンマの解決において不公正感が果たす役割. 実験社会心理学研究, 39, 30-40.

Kameda, T., Ohtsubo,Y., & Takezawa, M. (1997). Centrality in socio-cognitive network and social influence: An illustration in a group decision-making context. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 296-309.

Book chapters

竹澤正哲 (2016). 進化的アプローチ(第15章). 北村英哉・内田由紀子(編)社会心理学概論

竹澤正哲 (2016). 解説.アレックス・メスーディ著、野中香方子訳 文化進化論:ダーウィン進化論は文化を説明できるか エヌティティ出版

高橋伸幸・竹澤正哲 (2014). 協力と賞罰 安西祐一郎ら編著 社会のなかの共存 (岩波講座 コミュニケーションの認知科学 第4巻). 岩波書店

竹澤正哲 (2014). 意思決定のバイアス 下山晴彦ら編著 誠信心理学辞典[新版]. 誠信書房.

竹澤正哲 (2013). 認知バイアス. 上田惠介ら編著. 行動生物学辞典. 東京科学同人.

Keller, M., Gummerum, M., Canz, T., Gigerenzer, G., & Takezawa, M. (2013). The Is and Ought of sharing: The equality heuristic across the lifespan. In R. Hertwig, U. Hoffrage & the ABC Research Group (Eds.), Simple Heuristics in a Social World. Oxford University Press.

Garcia-Retamero, R., Takezawa, M., Woike, J. K., & Gigerenzer, G. (2013). How to find good cue orderings: When social learning benefits simple heuristics. In R. Hertwig, U. Hoffrage & the ABC Research Group (Eds.), Simple Heuristics in a Social World. Oxford University Press.

Garcia-Retamero, R., Takezawa, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). Does imitation benefit cue order learning? In G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig, & T. Pachur (Eds.), Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior (pp. xxxx). New York: Oxford University Press.

Zhu, L., Keller, M., Gummerum, M., & Takezawa, M. (2010). A cross-cultural perspective on the development of sharing behavior: Integrating behavioral economics and psychology. In Schwarzer, R. & Frensch, P. A. (Eds.), Personality, human development, and culture, Vol. 2, (pp. 141-154). New York: Psychology Press.

Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., Ohtsubo, Y., & Hastie, R. (2009). Are our minds fundamentally egalitarian? Adaptive bases of different socio-cultural models about distributive justice. In M. Schaller, S. J., Heine, A. Norenzayan, T. Yamagishi, & T. Kameda (Eds.), Evolution, culture, and the human mind, (pp. 151-163). New York: Psychology Press

竹澤正哲 (2009). 協力, 日本社会心理学会(編), 社会心理学事典. 丸善

竹澤正哲 (2009). ゲーム, 日本社会心理学会(編), 社会心理学事典. 丸善

Johnson, D. D. P., Price, M. E., & Takezawa, M. (2008). Renaissance of the individual: Reciprocity, positive assortment, and the puzzle of human cooperation. In Crawford, C., & Krebs, D. (Eds.), Foundations of evolutionary psychology: Ideas, issues, applications and findings, (pp. 331-352). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Martignon, L., Vitouch, O., Takezawa, M., & Forster, M. R. (2005). Naive and yet Enlightened: From Natural Frequencies to Fast and Frugal Decision Trees. In L. Macchi & D. Hardman (eds.), Thinking: Psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making. 189-211.

竹澤正哲・亀田達也 (2002). 所有と分配-共同分配規範の社会的発生基盤に関する進化ゲーム分析, 佐伯胖・亀田達哉 編著, 進化ゲームとその展開.(pp. 129-156).共立出版